Takeda Lab.
Deparment of Applied Physics.
School of Engineering
The University of Tokyo


Our group was established in Oct. 2019. We study optical quantum computing and its applications.

We accept undergraduate and graduate students of Department of Applied Physics, School of Engineering/Faculty of Engineering. Please feel free to contact Takeda (takeda(at)ap.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp) if you are interested.


A new textbook “Quantum Photonics” has been published by Elsevier. Takeda is one of the authors of chapter 12.
Our paper on the demonstration of optical beat-note detection beyond conventional sensitivity limit has been published in Optics Express.
Our paper on the demonstration of a continuous-variable quantum machine learning algorithm is now available on arXiv.
Our paper on a higher-rate generation scheme for optical non-Gaussian states is now available on arXiv.